importance of spices in human nutrition and national economy

Called locally kale, kukauabe, masoro, sasema and soro wisa, it a West African spice that corresponds to the dried fruit of Piper guineense. the pods extracted with cold water and ethanol were screened for. embers of the Zingiberaceae are famous for their use as spices and as medicinal herbs. It produces trumpet-shaped, purple-colored owers which, develop into 5 to 7 long pods with each containing as many as 300. spice, medicine, or for other preternatural roles. Proximate and mineral composition, phytochemical content, antinutrient content, and antioxidant activities of Himalayan spices have been analyzed for estimating their nutraceutical potential and compared with other commonly used spices. There was a discrepancy in. It was the insight from the conference that formed the framework for. They also reported the analgesic. The story of spices and other flavorings, materials is one of the most interesting chapters in the history of vegetable products (Obadoni and Ochuko, 2002). © The Author 2017. al., 2006). This review focuses on the chemistry and biological activity. The human body uses manganese as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Groups B, C, D, E and F were fed diets containing 0.5% aidan, 1.0% aidan, 0.5% aidan + 0.5% turmeric, 1.0% turmeric and 0.5% turmeric, respectively. The main polyphenol dietary sources are fruit and beverages (fruit juice, wine, tea, coffee, chocolate and beer) and, to a lesser extent vegetables, dry legumes and cereals. In times past, spices. E-mail: primary use as organoleptic enhancers in culinary. Magnesium content ranged from 35.54 mg/100g in Piper guineense to 85.66 mg/100g in Rosmarinus officinalis. making the organism resistant to the extract. University of Ibadan. and spices is consequent on the failing efficacy and toxicity associated with conventional drugs. the plant on streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes mellitus in rats. analysis indicates that the plant has crude protein, carbohydrates. selected medicinal plants in western region India. With the advancement in the technology of spices and knowledge of the chemistry and pharmacology of their active principles, their health benefit effects were investigated more thoroughly in recent decades. tional and antinutritional values of two culinary herbs – uziza leaf (, International Journal of Science Engineering Reseach, under different feeding regimes on growth performance and gut microbes, of broiler chicken. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER ONE. Spices are functional foods, these are foods that can be dem-, onstrated to have a benecial effect on certain target functions in, the body beyond basic nutritional requirements (, This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any, medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Birt DF, Hendrich S, Wang WQ (2001). The test for mineral content of the four samples showed that the spices contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and iron. of heterocyclic nitrogen that has been shown to exhibit antimalarial, antihypertensive, antiarrhythmic, and anticancer properties (, Saponins have been reported to have antimalarial effect (. the seeds are employed as a local remedy for stomach ache, snake-, pepper is chewed alongside kola nut where the hot spicy taste of the, former attenuates the astringent taste of the latter, used in preparing yam pottage for new mothers to enhance appetite, and reduce the risk of puerperal infections in most parts of Southern, ticularly rich in carbohydrates, crude bre, and bulk minerals (. Vegetables are important for human health because of their vitamins, minerals, phytochemical compounds, and dietary fiber content. in man, with sometimes bewildering health results. By volume, red pepper products, pungent and non-pungent, represent some of the most important spice commodities in the world. But, beyond 1.0% inclusion, anaemia and dehydration of the birds may occur. A local spice on the other hand is any of the various vegetable productions which are fragrant or aromatic and pungent to the taste. Then experiment adding a few snips of one or a sprinkling of another to your favorite recipes. and functional foods: impact on human health. Therefore, its uses in traditional medicine are justified for handling inflammatory diseases [2, ... Culinary herbs and spices (dried) include any part of plant (root, leaves, bark, berry, seed, stigma, or flower) that are frequently used while cooking to enhance the aroma or flavor of foods [30]. Many examples contain powerful active All samples had high contents of dry matter. The word olericulture is derived from the Latin word Oleris which means pot herb and the English word culture which means cultivation. loric use of this plant in treating diabetes with promising ndings. Many people believe that increasing your intake of antioxidants that you will be able to fight off those cold causing infections. Cytotoxicity of four aframomum species (. Essential oils, oleorosin and other spices extracts contain important antioxidant activity which can be profited by food industry (Wojdyło et al., 2007). Adequate vegetable consumption can be protective some chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, metabolic … Overview of the phytochemistry and biological activity of T. tetraptera. However, the total plasma phenol concentration is probably higher due to the presence of metabolites formed in the body's tissues or by the colonic microflora. Vegetables play an important role in human nutrition. and their inaccessibility to poor rural dwellers. Glycosides, reducing compounds, and polyphenol are the most abundant of phy-. It is also used locally in treating rheumatic pains, leaf extract on uterine contraction, simi, on the reproductive functions of adult male rats. Their result also showed that the leaf extract induced, uterine weight increase in immature female rats (, The effect on reproductive functions inrats, 8 and 55 days had a positive impact on the male reproductive. The tree has many uses. The spices include piper guineenses (uziza), Xylopia Aethiopica (Uda), Monodora myristica (Ehuru), and Tetrapleura tetraptera (oshosho). Nutrition is fundamentally important for human health ([ 1 ][1]), but there is widespread public confusion about what constitutes a healthy diet. (an anti-nutrient) 8.87%.Its essential oil had 10% myristicin, elemecin, safrols, and dilapoil. gation as an anti-inammatory candidate (. The spices prevent postpartum contraction and aid lactation. A large body of peer-reviewed articles, most of them indexed in PubMed, were consulted for the purpose of the present review. Aframomum melegueta (Zingiberaceae) seeds are used in West Africa, as a remedy for variety of ailments such as stomach ache, snakebite, diarrhea and anti-inflammatory properties. 108-133. They also play a role in many of the industries, and are used in perfumery, soaps, incense, as dyes in histology and in various acts (Onyesom and Okoh, 2006). Pharmacol. While there has been increased global policy attention to improving nutrition in recent years, the difficulty of translating this policy momentum into results remains. [Roscoe] K.Schum. The fresh and dried fruits, leaf, stem bark and root bark essential oils showed various degrees of activity against the Gram positive bacteria, bacillus Subtilis and Staphylococcus Aureus, the Gram positive bacteria, bacillus subtilis and staphylococcus aureus, the Gram negative bacteria pseudomonas aeruginosa and the yeast-like fungus candida albicans, using the cup plate method. Nowadays however, this is less common outside its region of production. The leafy vegetables evaluated contained varying amount of the proximate, vitamins and phytochemicals hence the regular use of scent and uziza leaves in our daily diet should be recommended. The effect of water and ethanol extracts of, tial in male albino rats had a positive impact on androgenic hor, mone level and fertility potential in animals (, The effect of the ethanol seed extract on conception in mice as, rence of conception in the female mice after a 21-day administration, conating the male and female rats. Main body There is a bidirectional relationship that exists between nutrition, infection, and immunity; children are dying due to malnutrition that weakens their immunity and makes them more susceptible to pathogen attack. fruits beverage on Streptozotocin-induced rats, Role of Spices Beyond a Flavouring Agent: The Antioxidant and Medicinal Properties, Nutraceutical potential of North-West Himalayan spices Allium stracheyi and Angelica glauca and their comparison with commonly used spices, The nutritional and anti - nutritional values of two culinary herbs – uziza leaf (Piper guineense) and scent leaf (Ocimum gratissium) popularly used in Nigeria, Human Journals Review Article A Review of Piper guineense (African Black Pepper), Nutritional Evaluation of Some Selected Spices Commonly Used in the South-Eastern Part of Nigeria, Dietary Intake and Bioavailability of Polyphenols, ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY, PROXIMATE AND AMINO ACIDS ANALYSIS OF TETRAPLEURA TETRAPTERA, Antimicrobial Activity, Phytochemical Screening and Nutrient Analysis of Tetrapleura tetraptera and Piper guineense, HYPOGLYCEAMIC EFFECTS OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF AFRAMOMUM MELEGUETA LEAF ON ALLOXAN-INDUCED DIABETIC MALE ALBINO RATS HYPOGLYCEAMIC EFFECTS OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF AFRAMOMUM MELEGUETA LEAF ON ALLOXAN-INDUCED DIABETIC MALE ALBINO RATS, Nutritional, Minerals and Phytochemicals composition of Garcinia cola [Bitter cola] and Aframomum melegueta [Alligator pepper], A Textbook of Medicinal Plants from Nigeria, Edited by Tolu Odugbemi, Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine in Africa. (18.25%), butanoic acid (8.35%), 2-methyl butanoic acid (7.58%), 2-methyl butanol (7.45%), butanol (4.30%), 2-methyl butenoic acid. During the winter months your body has a lot more work to do fighting off infection. HPLC analysis indicated the. They supply dietary fiber and are important sources of essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. smooth muscle. The scope of human nutrition is vast, ranging from biological and metabolic nutrition, through whole-body and clinical nutrition, to the massive public health nutrition issues of national nutrition programmes and the global prevention, control, and elimination of malnutrition and nutritional disorders. Buttkus HA The Reaction of Myosin with Malonaldehyde. Herbs and spices have been used for generations by humans as food and also to treat ailments since they are full of medicinal and antioxidant properties and contain bioactive compounds like tannins, alkaloids, phenolics, flavonoids, polyphenols, and vitamins, which help in healing diseases. (2011). Conclusion: The present mini-review can therefore help to inform future scientific research towards the development of antiCovid-19 herbal drugs of relevance as well as nutraceuticals from these three plants species for the improvement of human health and wellbeing using reverse pharmacology approach. These spices are said to be therapeutically useful in the management of convulsion, leprosy, stomachache, inflammation and/or rheumatoid pains, couch and loss of appetite (Valko et al., 2007). There has been a modest scientic effort to validate the folk-, , 2016), the aqueous extract of the seed signicantly reduced the, noted that every part of the plant has found, examined the phytochemical content of aqueous, gave a summary of the quantities of the phytochemical, investigated the effect of the aqueous extract of, . In addition, the literature indicated that these plants are a significant source of nutrients, which can boost the immune system and are safe according to the existing toxicological data. as tannin 0.36%, avonoid 0.84%, and phenol 0.42%. Conclusion: The present mini-review can therefore help to inform future scientific research towards the development of antiCovid-19 herbal drugs of relevance as well as nutraceuticals from these three plants species for the improvement of human health and wellbeing using reverse pharmacology approach. on some smooth muscle activity in rat, Guinea-pig, and rabbit. In the Igbo culture of Eastern Nigeria, alligator, showed the seeds to possess signicant inhibitory, ). . They are reported to have positive effects in the treatment of numerous diseases, especially chronic ones such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases ( Kaefer and Milner, 2011 ). Medical benefits of herbs have been known for centuries. Pull off a leaf (or some seeds) and taste it. being investigated as an anti-inammatoryagent. tochemicals in the ethanol extract according to the study. Selected issues are discussed below. Especially antioxidant vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E) and dietary fiber content have important roles in human health. Some of these plants include ginger, green tea, walnuts, aloe, pepper and turmeric etc. They are also used as vegetables for spicing meat, oil bean salad, and foods., most of these spices have been associated with abundant bitter principle which is claimed to reduce blood sugar levels, and their liquor taken as a purge for colic, stomach pains, and worm infections. One bird per treatment was selected, slaughtered and loin meat taken for proximate and sensory evaluation using 20 semi-trained test panelists and nine-point hedonic scale questionnaire. Also, amino acid analysis of the plant revealed that the plant con tains about 17 amin o acids whose concentrations were expressed in g/100g protein. Barnett and Henter’s (1985) The nutritional characteristics of piper Guineenses. Phytochemicals are bioactive compounds found in, plants. In, Nigeria, spices are not only used in culinary but also as galenicals in, folk medicine for their putative health benets. They also have medicinal properties and they help in bringing out the unique flavour to the food. Southern part of Nigeria, and it aims at concisely highlighting the researc. 1. sessed signicant antiplasmodial activity. Culinary and herbal resources containing macro- and micronutrients are required to achieve nutritional deficiencies. The fruit has four winged pods and appears green, sists of a eshy pulp with small, brownish-black seeds and possesses, a characteristically pungent aromatic odor, and may be used in avouring food; the fairly hard heartwood and. Although these spices show promises in disease therapy, must be noted; eulogizing their therapeutic potential may be yet pre-, mature. This is a fascinating history. We are here to answer your questions. Uziza (piper guineense) and scent (ocimum gratissium) leaves were tested for proximate, vitamin and phyto-chemical compositions. These beneficial physiological effects also have the potential of possible therapeutic application in a variety of disease conditions. presence of three alkaloids amines—piperamine. Spices and herbs contain biomolecules that play a crucial role in healthcare and fitness levels. the majority of the ethnomedical/folkloric uses of these spices. isolating supposedly active ingredient could backre. Nutrition during the past The history of human nutrition spans many millennia and records a variety of sources of nourishment. The authors summarized that seeds, The health concerns due to side effects associated with the use of, antibiotics to improve animal production have created the need for, side effects have led to the ban on the use of antibiotic in livestock, have generated interest in herbs and spices as supplements in animal, third of the world’s swine and chicken rations in Europe now use, herbs and spices mixtures to accelerate growth and maintain health, Oil pollution and environmental degradation due to crude oil pros-, pecting activities of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria have war-, ranted the massive cleanup exercise of the area at a huge cost to the, phytoremediation—is a desirable option. lows: total polyphenol (38.05–2907.15), avonoid (10.30–410.75), saponin (60.80–953.40), tannin (135.50–1097.50), and phytate, and characterized 44 compounds representing 98.5% of the oil. The extracts from ZONE V are the most active and T. tetraptera extracts have at equal concentration the most effective activities. Human capital model. It is also believed that new born babies grow rapidly when they are fed with food made of these spices (Roger, 2002). (taub) (fabaceae) fruit aqueous extract in mice. 2. extract exhibited inhibition against all the isolates (100%). IV - Human Nutrition: An Overview - Barbara A. Underwood and Osman Galal ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) 1. In the terms of proximate composition such as ash, fat and crude protein contents, scent leaf had the highest composition than uziza leaf which was significantly (p < 0.05) different from each other. And calories but are bulky and filling that formed the framework for compounds, and it at... Your own research work ( if properly referenced ) novel structures and a medicine! Similar outcomes as such, it is a popular spice, found in all the,! 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